Returning to normal!

June 22, 2010 at 8:41 pm | Posted in Algeira, Cooking, Football, Holidays, Home and familly, I love, Intrests, My imagination., Working | Leave a comment

Phew! Finally, the baby is two weeks old, the guests have came and gone, my cousin who was staying with us left. And life can return to normal.
I can hear the regular shouting of my siblings, and us fighting about whose turn it is for the dishes (my cousin used to do them when she was here) and my mum dropping the mop down the stairs (it must be some kind of familly tradition because she always does it!), the baby crying and god knows what else I can hear out there! You can imagine how chaotic thing get around here!
The aqiqa, which was very busy and noisy(like loads of people came: Aunt#1 with 4 kids all under 6yrs old. Aunt#2 with her very noisy but terrible cute 4yr old girl. Aunt#3 with her two kids, 6yr old boy and 12 yr old girl. Aunt#4 with her 22yr old girl 12 yr old and 10 mnth old boys. All of them had their husbands BTw. Uncle#1 with his wife and two lil kids, uncle#2 with his wife and three yr old daughter + my parents and 7 ibs and me + my grandmother, grandfather and his mom +my cousin who is 19 and came here alone with her 20 yr old friend.) You can imagine how noisy life was on Saturday but very fun, with kids fighting and screaming and singing no, SHOUTING football songs. The women in the kitchen either cooking in enormous pans like as tall as me or talking (rather ludly) and laughing their heads off (even me, my aunts are realy mad!) and the talking and watching the World Cup matches and shouting at all the goals.
I love that kind of noise and such hapiness all in our house, especially the ‘Yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoooooooooyeeeeee!’
The aqiqa was a great success, masha’allah I loved it! But sadly they all left, and we where home alone, the house felt really quiet only the memories remain in my brain. I had a fabulous, hard working, funny weekend! And I enjoyed because I know it wont happen again soon. šŸ™‚

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